Monday, 19 September 2016

What it is to be Me! A Book Review

I've been collecting disability-related kids books lately. I reviewed a couple that I didn't like so much on my other blog recently. Here, I'll review a book I've enjoyed a lot more - What it is to be Me! by Angela Wine.

Written by the mother of an autistic kid, this short, simple book features a boy named Danny explaining how Asperger's Syndrome affects him. The book discusses both common strengths and weaknesses of autism, and the ways that the same trait (eg hypersensitive hearing) can be both a talent and something that causes problems.

I'd say it's aimed at a young child, probably around 6 years or so, who knows absolutely nothing about autism/Asperger Syndrome. The language is simple and understandable for a fairly young child, and the art style is aimed at the same age range. It's a short book, about 13 pages long. If you're looking for an in-depth educational resource, this isn't it. This is a nice basic introduction to what it's like to be autistic.

My favorite bit is the very end, where Danny says that Asperger's makes him different, but also cool, and then says he's "proud to be an Asperger kid", because it makes him who he is.

The very last bit is a note from the author, talking about her son's diagnosis and how his self-esteem issues motivated her to explain his Asperger Syndrome to him. That conversation inspired her to write this book.

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